Bi-National / US$10,000
Members at this level serve at the highest level of membership in the Chamber and enjoy privileges reserved only for them, including a Partnership Listing on the Chamber Website. Historically, meetings with high ranking governmental officials occur on a bi-annual basis. Members have met with past and present Presidents of our respective countries as well as Cabinet Level Officers. Our access to decision-making and influential bi-national congressmen has served our members well in assisting with company problems and issues.
The package of benefits includes:
- Signature corporate recognition on the USMCOC Website. (Registering over 1,000,000 annual hits).
- Exclusive participation in fall and Spring Bi-national Board Meetings that include meeting with high-level governmental officials.
- Priority consideration for Trade Missions organized in cooperation with Mexican State governmental officials and private business executives.
- Priority access to USMCOC Staff assistance for research on trade development, business opportunities and regulatory, market and economic information.
- Premier Corporate Branding opportunities in USMCOC multi-media marketing materials.
- Membership in and access to regional Chamber chapter of choice.
- Signature recognition in USMCOC Membership Directory, listing more than 3000 companies doing cross border business.
- Regular updates on special issues related to Mexico and the United States, in the form of emails or newsletters.
Regional / US$2,500
Companies joining at this level receive all regional membership benefits and are able to designate two representatives, one of whom is invited to sit on the Chapter Regional Advisory Council. Other benefits are:
The package of benefits includes:
- Member discounts for USMCOC regional and bi-national events.
- Regional and bi-national networking.
- Special consideration for Trade Mission participation.
- All other corporate benefits.
Corporate / US$500-2,000
- Privileges as private industry members of Chapter.
- Member discounts for USMCOC regional and bi-national events.
- Research assistance for limited amount of service, with discount for additional service.
- Listing on website and in USMCOC Directory.
Annual revenues under | $10M | $ 500.00 |
Annual revenues | $10-50M | $1,000.00 |
Annual revenues | $ 50-100M | $1,500.00 |
More than | $100M | $2,000.00 |
Associate / US$200
Non-Profit, Governmental, NGO’s and Educational Organizations and Institutions will be placed under this membership level and will obtain the following benefits
The package of benefits includes:
- Use of regional chapter resources.
- Invitations to USMCOC regional and bi-national events.
- Opportunities to participate in Trade Missions.
- Research Assistance*.
- Listing in Directory.
*Additional fee may be required.
Membership dues may be treated as legitimate business expenses under the Internal Revenue Code. For more information, please email us at with your name, company, address and contact numbers.