
Why Join the United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce?
All members, regardless of level, receive these important benefits
Proactive advocacy for issues and policies that will promote and protect your cross-border business.
We have an excellent track record and high level private, governmental and public contacts that have been proven effective in supporting and influencing pro-business issues.
Valuable assistance through United States-Mexico trade information and resources.
Competition is global and intense. We have the experience and seasoned staff to help you increase value in your company.
Membership discounts on valuable business services and products.
Every savings that adds to your bottom line counts!
Exceptional networking opportunities.
Whether through technology, seminars and conferences, programs and speakers or trade missions, our ability to connect you to the right people at the right time is outstanding.
There are 4 main reasons to join the USMCOCCA
1- Build recognition
By becoming a member of the U.S.-Mexico Chamber of Commerce California Regional Chapter, you are demonstrating your commitment to the United States – Mexico business relation.
Most major U.S. and international companies with business interests in Mexico, as well as those Mexican companies with presence in the U.S. California and Baja Region, are affiliated with the Chamber.
Furthermore, you can increase your exposure in this community by gaining access to speaking and sponsorship opportunities in our organization’s events, website, and newsletter.
2 – Networking and Business opportunities
On a constant basis, the Chamber organizes seminars, conferences, roundtables, trade missions to Latin America and to Asia and networking events to foster trade, investment and business relations between the U.S. and Mexico. In the last two years, the Chamber organized more than 40 events in the California area, with more than 2,000 attendees.
In these events, the Chamber ensures that their members obtain specialized business intelligence information in their fields of interest and have the opportunity to meet top level executives, Mexican and U.S. government officials, and other important leaders of the U.S. – Mexico business community.
3- Expand your Business
- The USMCOCCA encourages the participation of its members as speakers and panelists in our specialized seminars. Their participation allow our members to share their experience and knowledge, while reaching potential clients and business partners
- Tailored events: The USMCOCCA helps its members in the organization of seminars and conferences according to their specific needs and target markets
- Business matchmaking: The Chamber has developed a strong network among its members and also with top U.S. and Mexican government officials and leading business people in both countries. As a result, the USMCOCCA is able to introduce its members to contacts that contribute to the growth and expansion of their business and contribute to the development of business agendas in Mexico and the U.S.
4- Additional benefits to all Membership levels
- Discounted fees for Chamber programs and events
- Membership directory listing
- Invitations to members-only events
- Four ways to contribute/participate in our quarterly newsletter: Articles, Member News, Discounts/Promotions, and Advertising
- Special advertising rates for our newsletter, magazine and/or website
- Preferential sponsorship opportunities
- Discounts on selected services provided by our members
- New Member Announcement via e-mail to our full database
- Member Event Announcement- advertise events your company hosts to our full database